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Writer's pictureKari Peterson

How to Take Corporate Content and Personalize in 10 Easy Steps!

Updated: Jun 5, 2019

You just received notification the latest product has been released to market. The corporate marketing team has created everything you need to promote this new offering to your prospects and existing customers – videos, brochures, social media templates, email templates, logos and more! You go online to download the latest content and then you sit for hours trying to make sense of it. You need to determine how you are going to make this content available to team members and ensure messaging is consistent. Where do you start?

Here are 10 steps to help you get started today!

1. Download the corporate marketing content and review what is available.

2. Separate content into folders such as brochures, videos, email templates, etc.

3. Use a content management and monitoring service such as Sky Blue to easily package up content into personalized portals.

4. Create a portal which guides a prospect or existing customer through the overview - use the videos and supporting marketing materials. Think of the end user experience. Keep it simple and engaging!

5. Ensure prospects can initiate next steps in the portal such as buy now, request a demo or request more information.

6. Setup an email invitation for the portal by leveraging the content in the email templates provided by corporate to feature the value proposition of the new offering. Ensure you are personalizing the message…you don’t want the prospect or existing customer to feel like they are being spammed.

7. Send a test email invitation to yourself and walk through the user experience. Ensure the graphics and content is engaging in the portal. (Check for spelling errors!)

8. Now clone the portal several times and customize for the different industries you serve. Update the portals with industry specific case studies, pictures and content. Personalize based on what you know are the current pain points of your prospects and existing customers. Highlight how the new product offering addresses these pain points in your messaging.

9. Now that you have built out several custom portals in your library share these with your sales team members in their library. The content and emails are already packaged up and ready to go. (This helps ensure messaging is consistent!) All they need to do is share the personalized portals through email invitations. When you have new marketing content to add just update the master portal and everybody will get the latest information in their library of portals automatically. You manage the content and they can focus on sales!

10. Monitor engagement analytics in the dashboard. Team members will be able to see analytics for portals they have shared in their dashboard. Which portals have been viewed, % complete, how long videos were watched, if documents were viewed, etc. However, you will be able to monitor all up so you know what content is working vs. not across the organization.

Personalize corporate marketing content and ensure messaging is consistent using Sky Blue. You can find out more about Sky Blue Technology by visiting Sign up for a free 14-day trial and start building your own industry focused portals today!

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